Have you ever wanted to talk to people without installing any complicated programs or webcam drivers to get started? Chatroulette can help you chat with people without any hassle. It’s a script for websites that turns any modern web browser into a personalized chat server for instant messaging, video chat and more. With Chatroulette, you can customize and save your chat window layout, background, and font colors. You can simply change the whole look and feel of your chatting experience.
Whether you are running the Windows, Mac or Linux operating system, Chatroulette is truly multiplatform. With cross-platform support for video conferencing and instant messaging, there are no complicated setups involved. All it takes is to visit a website and get started with communicating. The open-ended design of Chatroulette’s layout can fit any resolution or application. It can run on any language, making its extensibility and outreach great.
There is virtually no lag when using Chatroulette due to its use of instant connections over Stratus. It also features support for connection to Red5. Chatroulette is also behind the SpeedChat function on popular dating sites. The source code is open source and free for use. The Chatroulette code makes it easier for users to filter users by gender, camera only chats, country, age and more. Take advantage of features, such as MyFilter, Auto Start, Nicknames, Auto Next + Auto Connect and many more, to make the most of your chat experience.
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