

الإصدار 2.0
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تم التحقُّق من الأمان
اختيار الموقع: DoNotSpy10 2.0

It seems George Orwell’s novel 1984 was more of a Doomsday Book than just a story and, in many respects, his worse fears seem to have become a reality. Certainly, wherever we go, we can be pretty certain that big brother is watching us. With the development of Windows 10, Microsoft have created a fresh start that has delighted many users. However, their privacy statement is causing considerable stir, especially among those of us who value discretion. Windows 10 includes new analytical features that basically enable Microsoft for collect data about usage with the intention (or so they say) of improving the product and providing a more efficient service. While tracking usage is necessarily a bad thing, if you want some choice in what is trailed and shared, DoNotSpy10 can give you a little more leverage. With a simple display that lists all tracking and privacy options as checkboxes, DoNotSpy10 is an easy way to alter your privacy settings.

A trouble-free method of adjusting Windows 10 privacy preferences

Of course, it is possible to simply go to your Settings and Privacy menus and scroll through all the privacy settings and decide for yourself which ones to keep on and which to switch off. The problem is that Windows will warn you passionately about the possible restrictions these choices will cause to the operation of your system. This is where DoNotSpy10 gives you a little more peace of mind. One of the highlights of Windows 10 is Cortana, the voice-activated personal assistant. Unfortunately, Cortana needs to know almost everything about you to operate effectively. While you can fiddle with Cortana to help prevent her ingratiating herself into the deepest inner workings of your PC, DoNotSpy10 offers a simpler, quicker option by which you can simply deactivate and reset Cortana. DoNotSpy10 is a free application but does come with other bundled software, including Open Candy, so pay attention during the installation process and avoid the inconvenience of ads displaying at will throughout your applications. In addition to performing the same actions as you can perform by reconfiguring your settings, DoNotSpy10 also provides some other adjustments that are not so easily pinpointed via the apps provided by Windows. Before starting the program, it’s highly recommended that you first create a new system restore point just in case anything should go wrong, although the operation is very simple and shouldn’t cause any negative impact on your system operations.

الإصدار 2.0
1.65 MB
تم التحقُّق من الأمان

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